Verbier E-Bike Festival 2024 Edition


I-    Registrations




1.1     Your registration is valid as soon as your payment is done, and you received, by email, the confirmation of your registration made on the website.


1.2     Any registration for the "Verbier E-Bike Festival" implies the acceptance of these regulations as well as the rules posted at the entrance or departure of each outdoor activity or event (rides, tests,competitions, events or challenges).


1.3.     The "Verbier E-Bike Festival" offers tours and timed events.


1.4.     E-Bike activities are open to all participants from the age of 14 if they have a motorcycle licence and from 16 otherwise (parental authorisation is required for minors).

1.5 The "Kid's Race" is open to children between 4 and 14 years of age (parental authorisation required).


1.6. The purchase and withdrawal of any Verbier E-Bike Festival entry may only be made by an adult (over 18 years of age).


II-    Conditions of a registration purchase


2.1.     Registrations for full-day or 2 days activities are to be made on the (the "Website").


2.2.     Registrations for full-day or 2 days activities are available on event but with limited places.

2.3.     The participants must collect their registration from the "Verbier E- Bike Festival" registrationbooth.


III-    Terms of payment

3.1 Any person who registers for one or more activity is responsible for the payment of the full amount of the registration fee.


3.2.     The registration is valid if the full payment is made on the registration area of the


3.3.     All payments can be made by Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard, American Express. Bank or postal transfers. Cheques and postal orders are not accepted.


IV-     Modifications

The organization reserves the right to make any changes to these rules.

V-    Request to modify your registration


5.1.     Registration changes will be accepted in exceptional cases, up to 21 days before the opening of on event registration, upon written request and presentation of supporting documents. We cannot guarantee a positive response.

5.2.     An exchange of registration is not possible.


5.3.     Request for modification will not be considered on the day of arrival at the  event.


VI-     Request for transfer of your registration


Any person having to be replaced by another person if this one meets all the conditions relating to thecontract, will have to inform the organization of this transfer at the latest

21 days before the opening of on event registration by a registered letter with acknowledgement of delivery to be sent to the following address: Mountain Sports Organisation SA, Chemin de Plenadzeu 11, Case postale 257, CH - 1936 Verbier or by mail to indicating the following information: - your surname, first name and address - surname, first name, address, date of birth of the substitutemail and telephone number of the substitute - bike size - registration number and a copy of the letter or e-mail confirming registration.

After receipt of the registration letter or e-mail, a confirmation of registration will be sent to the substitute replacing you. You and the third party replacing you will be responsible for the payment of the total price of the registrations and any costs incurred by the transfer (e.g. shipping costs, etc.).


VII-    Request for cancellation and refund


All commitments are firm and final and cannot be reimbursed for any reason whatsoever.


VIII-    Conditions of the Tests


Within the framework of the equipment tests, the tester must take care of the material and equipment lent to him/her during his/her participation in the "Verbier E-Bike Festival", to make appropriate use of it and, more generally, to follow the instructions and/or recommendations that will be communicated to him/her in this context.

In case of loss and/or incident having caused damage, the tester undertakes, at the lender's option, eitherto replace or reimburse the damaged and lost equipment and/or materials at its own expense. In case of replacement accepted by the lender, it is understood that the replacement must consist of material or equipment strictly identical to that initially lent, which is presumed to be in good working order.


If at any time the tester has the impression that the equipment and/or borrowed material is not functioning properly, the tester will immediately stop using it and notify the brand representative so that the brand representative can check it and undertake any necessary repairs or adjustments.

IX-     Use of routes


The test courses are reserved for testing bikes and accessories for all owners of an E-Bike Test registration.


The Organization reserves the right to remove the test registration from any person who will perform an activity other than for what he or she has registered.


The Organisation reserves the right to make any changes of the routes, and therefore of the distance and/or altitude difference, without prior notice.


The Organiser declines all responsibility in case of the non-operation or closure of the Lifts (Gondola and Chairlift) giving access to the Verbier E-Bike Festival routes.


In consultation with the person responsible for the operation and safety of the ski lifts, the Organisationreserves the right to block access to the lifts or to cancel an event if the weather conditions or changes in the weather conditions (fog, snow, etc.) could endanger the participants.


X-    Insurance


10.1.     Each participant must have accident and liability insurance.


We strongly recommend you to contact your insurance company to find out your coverage in the case of an accident and adapt it, if necessary, to the activities for which you are registering.

10.2.     In case of an accident or rescue, medical costs will be covered by the participant's personal insurance (helicopter and hospitalisation costs in particular).


10.3.     The Organiser declines all responsibility in the case of loss, theft or damage to the material lent or individual equipment.


XI-     Safety rules


11.1.     Wearing a rigid mountain bike helmet that meets CE standards (on all activities) and gloves is mandatory, the wearing of glasses is recommended. On the Défi du

Val de Bagnes as well as the E-Tour du Mont-Blanc, a trail helmet, knee, back and elbow protection are strongly recommended.

11.2.     On the E-Tour du Mont-Blanc, a minimum repair kit is required: 2 inner tubes, pump, patches, chain dagger board, necessary tools and a first-aid kit.


11.3.     As the weather in the mountains is very changeable and thunderstorms are frequent, take along warm clothing and rain gear. Warn before you leave if you are venturing alone on a mountain trail.

11.4.     Compliance with the traffic regulations is mandatory on roads open to traffic.


11.5 In case of an accident, notify the staff or the central emergency station at the number received at the registration booth.

XII. Behaviour in the field


12.1.     For their safety, participants must comply with the instructions given by the Organiser via the staff and volunteers present on the field.

12.2.     Any abandonment shall be reported to the Organization (nearest aid station, supplies point or staff). In the absence of information about an abandonment, the participant shall be responsible for the means used to search for him.


XIII Proofs


When taking part in timed events and other activities of the Verbier E-Bike Festival, the participant undertakes to be present at the briefing for the event or activity and to ensure that his bike, if not included in the registration, is working properly and equipped with front and rear brakes. The participant undertakesto wear the protective gear (helmets, gloves, etc.) required and to ride the entire circuit without leaving the "track" of the marked itinerary, without voluntarily taking shortcuts and in compliance with the traffic regulation on roads open to traffic.


The participant also undertakes to respect the human, animal, natural, plant and urban environment (forexample, he must not throw or leave his rubbish in the nature, on the roads and in any other place. He/she must keep it and place it in the selective sorting bins provided by the Organization). He undertakes to not contest the decisions of the organisers or local authorities and to respect the organisers' injunctions. Heundertakes to respect the rules of the proposed event or activity.


XIV-     Compensation


The participant agrees, for himself and his heirs, to compensate, defend and hold responsible, including costs and lawyer fees, the Organiser and the companies affiliated to Mountain Sport Organisation SA, as well as their representatives and employees, from and against any claims and lawsuits for physical injuries, damage to property and damage to a third party, caused directly or indirectly by an act or omission occurring as a result of riding his E-Bike or participating in the Verbier E- Bike Festival.


XV-    Image rights


16.1      Each participant authorises Mountain Sport Organisation SA, and/or any natural person and/or legal entity replacing it, as well as any third party acting on its behalf, to use, reproduce and adapt the photos, still or audio-visual images on which he/she may appear during his/her participation in the Verbier E-Bike Festival, on any useful media (including promotional and/or advertising documents), on any private or open, national or international telecommunications network (in particular Internet, Intranet, Extranet) in unlimited numbers, in any material, colour and format. This authorisation is granted free of charge, for the longest period provided for by the law, regulations and applicable treaties in force, including any extensions that may be made to this period, and this, for the entire world.


16.2      Upon withdrawal of entries, each participant agrees to be photographed by the Organization. The passport photograph taken during the event will be used as a guarantee and the smooth running of theorganisation (control of access to the tests and activities) and its security. This photo is made available free of charge to the participant in his or her personal online space on the Verbier E-Bike Festival website.


XVI-     Recognition and acceptance of risks


Each participant declares that he or she accepts the risks of riding a mountain e- bike and that he/she will use the proposed itinerary only under his/her own responsibility and appreciation.


The participant acknowledges and accepts that he or she is taking part in an event that may present dangers and is aware that the activity in which he or she is participating may result in the risk of accidents, injury or death.


As the event takes place on natural terrain, the participant must rely on natural obstacles on the course. He takes part in the event at his own risk and under his own responsibility.


The decision to participate is consent to the practice risks of riding an E-Bike in the mountains, on footpaths, in natural terrain.


The participant acknowledges and accepts that the organisation cannot guarantee his/her safety during the event, that the risks of mountain e-bike are beyond the organiser's control and that any fall on his/her part is likely to result in serious physical injury or even death.


The participant is aware of the fact that the proposed routes, although marked, are not and cannot be secured by the organizer.

The participant is responsible for his/her choice of proposed itinerary and undertakes to ensure that his or her decision is in line with his or her experience and level of e-bike practice, as well as his or her physical condition.


Participation in the Verbier E-Bike Festival requires a good physical condition, which implies that the participant recognises in particular:


-   not to be under medication that affects his physical or intellectual capacities,

-   not to be pregnant, nor to have given birth for less than 6 months (see your doctor's instructions in thiscase),

-   not suffer from heart problems or joint fragility (ankles, knees, tendonitis, ligaments etc.),


-   have a good knowledge of one's physical abilities and limitations,


-   not be prone to asthma and epilepsy attacks,   


-    not be under the influence of alcohol and/or substances that affect his or her intellectual or physicalabilities. the participant also undertakes to respect the safety instructions and rules that may be waived, inaddition to wearing a helmet in all circumstances, to respect the rules of the traffic regulation and to exercise caution and discernment when traveling and using the materials and equipment on loan




Within the limits of the applicable legal provisions, participants releases the organizer and its staff, director(s), employees or volunteers and other auxiliary persons, mountain guides, representatives and agents from any liability in relation with a loss, an injury or a damage suffered in relation with his participation in the E-Bike Festival.


Consequently, the participant waives the right in the future to make any claim against the organiser and its staff, director(s), employees or volunteers and other auxiliaries, mountain guides, representatives and agents for any physical injury, for any attack on physical integrity, including that which may lead to death, for any material damage or moral harm and for any prejudice, which he may suffer as a result of hisparticipation in the E-Bike Festival, whatever the causes, for any fault or negligence, except in the case of fraud or serious misconduct.


The participant agrees, as a consequence of the above paragraph, not to take legal action, nor to lodge any criminal complaint or denunciation and undertakes not to become a civil party in any criminal proceedings against the event organisers, their staff(s), director(s) and their auxiliaries, nor to implicate, at the same extend, their contracting parties.


By ticking the box "I accept the terms and conditions of the rules, the disclaimer and the image rights", you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided herein and that you have benefited from all useful explanations in the context of your participation in the Verbier E-Bike Festival. You are aware of the skills required to take part in this event and you acknowledge that you possess them. You undertake to respect by the above-mentioned rules and interdictions. As you are fully involved in the running of this event, you accept the risks associated with the practice of a sport and you therefore expressly release Mountain Sport Organisation SA and the other companies and partners present at the Verbier E-Bike Festival from any liability in the event that you are injured during your participation. Finally, you acknowledge that the commitments taken and the release from liability shall be binding on your heirs and assigns.

The participant undertakes to respect the health regulations set up by the Health Service of the Canton of Valais and the organiser.

The organizer declines all responsibility is contaminated by a third party during the event.

Verbier E-Bike Festival 2024